General Terms


Bratislava city apartments for a binding booking will be to require of you to pay a deposit, which is aloft 25 % of your whole stay.

How successfully to make binding booking?

We send you preliminary booking. Here will be three possibilities for pay your booking deposit. If you agree with preliminary booking then for sending booking deposit you can choose from following options:

1) Via Paypal,

2) Via internet banking transfer to our bank account,

3) Via Your credit card - Please, you?infill paper form for back sending details of credit card. Our fax number: +421263830305.

After receiving your booking deposit we inform you, that your booking apartment is binding for us. You'll pay the outstanding balance (75 % of the prices total stay ) on arrival cash either in Euro.

Cash Security Deposit:

The cash secutity deposit must be paid on arrival. This will be refunded on departure unless there have been any demages.

Cancellations policy:

We cannot be held responsible for bad weather, illness, changes in travel plans or travel delays. We unfortunately have to demand partial compensation.


- 30 days prior to arrival are without penalty but will attract a 33 Euro how operating and banking fee,

- Less than 30 days and more than 10 days prior to arrival are subjekt to a loss booking deposit,

- 10 days and less prior to arrival or in case of no show will be charged the total price of the reservation.

Travel Insurance:

It is hard to believe it will happen to you, but the best laid plans can sometimes go awry. To protect yourself, we strongly encourage you to take out an inexpensive travel insurance policy in case an emergency arises and you need to cancel.

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